Marine plywood as the name suggests is the plywood which is used in marine applications i.e where its going to be
submerged in water for most of the times and is going to get exposed to extreme weater conditions. Hence it is usually used in building Ships, boats, factories and industries.
What makes it so water resistant?
Its the resin Phenol formaldehyde:-
The resin which makes it so water resistant is Phenol formaldehyde which is used in its purest form i.e in un-diluted
form. The same resin is used in making making BWR/BWP grade plywood but in diluted form.
Its the best quality Veneers:-
While making marine plywood, its not made out of any random wood but only selected woods are used like Eucalyptus, Poplar and Gurjan Wood.
For making home furniture usually MR, BWP/BWR grade plywood is preferred as they are good enough for home interiors and economical, and the costlier Marine grade plywood is usually not used for such a purpose.
If you ever visit a hardware shop or any vendor to do the interior work and ask him what type of plywood is used in making kitchen then he may say”Marine Ply”. Which is not true. Probably is not aware of the Grades. For making kitchen or any other furniture which is in direct or in-direct contact with water BWP/BWR grade plywood is only used.
Indian standards specification for Marine plywood is IS: 710
Indian standards specification for BWP/BWR gradeplywood is IS: 303